Hyper Local Marketing is a micro-marketing process of targeting audiences in a highly specific and geographically restricted area. This area is as focused as one or a few streets. With the advent of the internet and advanced technology, promoting and creating brand awareness at a local level or in a specific geographical area has seen a big change in terms of techniques and strategies implemented. Hyper local marketing is the method used by marketers to focus their advertising and marketing efforts by targeting people using “near me” searches on their personal cellular devices in real time and accessing their device locations. A great factor of hyper local marketing is that it makes it possible to target the right audience, in the right context and at the right time. The target audience can also be identified and customized based on demographic details like state, city, gender, age, pin code, income level, etc. Due to this, it becomes feasible for a brand to identify and target their desired target audience and personalize marketing communications more effectively. This personalization of content builds trust between a business and it’s audience as well as expands conversion rates! OmniWi Network Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has expertise in providing hyper local marketing solutions to generate awareness and drive foot traffic to your brick-and-mortar stores. Hyperlocal targeting has great practical advantages; it facilitates low cost per target and also enable time sensitive promotions. By leveraging various techniques, tools and strategies of local marketing, businesses can convert local traffic and people in and around that community, either online or offline. OmniWi creates dynamic marketing content ranging from text, dynamic banners (unique banner format) static banners, Rich Media, and videos. Moreover, OmniWi targets audiences across varied locations like cafes and pubs, hotels and lounges, historical locations, educational institutes, malls and local markets, buses and trains, etc. OmniWi-India’s largest WI-FI and Hyper-local Advertising platform- leaves no stone unturned when it comes to utilizing the right tools and location-based strategies for optimizing the offline footfall in your stores. By utilizing SSID, Geofencing, remarketing, PPC campaigns, etc., OmniWi doesn’t miss out of any source that could prove to be favorable and instrumental in growing your business!